While working as a lawyer and running my own law firm, in my home town near Bruges, I was diagnosed with an auto-immunity disease. This meant that stress – a defining characteristic of my law career – suddenly became my greatest enemy.

Like many others, I needed to hit a wall first before truly understanding the importance of listening to my body. , My diagnosis was the prompt I needed to begin searching for ways to de-stress and create more balance in my life.

This led me to discover the practices and benefits of yoga, yoga nidra and meditation, which now form the foundation of my life and work.

Diving into yoga also initiated my journey towards creating an a radically new and different lifestyle, leaving behind the rat race and doing more of the things I love.

I’M Veerle!



My first get-away

As a child, I used to build little camps under my father’s work desk, usingwith only a few blankets and teddies. It wasn’t a game that I would play with my siblings or my friends – it was just for me.

Looking back, I see how this was my way of escaping from the world; retreating into my own company helped me relax and feel safe.

As an adult and highly-sensitive person, I’ve learned to create that same personal space without the blankets!

I use my well-being practices to carve out time and space for myself, to listen to my body, and to find peace of mind.

IN short…

MY FAVE favourite yoga position this moment

forwards bends

MY trainings

certified yoga vinyasa teacher training bali 2020 - yoga nidra teacher training 2022

MY teachers

Elly Geyskens - Celine Buergi - Jonas Vellas -Scott Moore and Elena mironov

READY to change your life?


My mission is to empower women entrepreneurs to live their best lives by providing them with the tools and support they need to thrive.

Join me on this journey towards greater inner peace and fulfillment in life.

I also offer one on one programs. Contact me for more information and/or to book in a clarity call.

Let's work together to help you blossom!