3 reasons why yoga nidra should be on your CEO schedule

Yoga nidra every day

“Another thing on my to do list might be on your mind”, when you read this title but I reassure you, after reading this article you will understand why you will want to make time to schedule this practice during your week or even during your day. 

For those who are not familiar with yoga nidra. Yoga nidra is an ancient meditation technique that guides you through different stages into a state of deep rest while being conscious which allows your body to deeply rest and push on the break instead of the gas as many amongst us, myself included, are used to. 

But why make time for doing  a yogi nap while you have so many things to do during the day? 

There are many reasons but i will share 3 of them with you which I find to be useful as being a CEO myself. 

Practicing yoga nidra brings me into a state of deep relaxation.

We all have days that from the start on are hectic and stressful. I found that listening to a guided yoga nidra drags me away from that day, I can leave it behind and afterward I truly feel relaxed, almost reborn.

It also brings me clarity.

The practice calms down my monkey mind and helps me focus on what matters and brings me clarity on how to proceed or how to solve the problem. By taking a step back, by letting go and retrieving in my cocoon, things become clearer to me.  

Last but not least, the 3rd benefit I want to share with you today is creativity.

It is scientifically proven that in a state of stress, which is a state of fight, one is not in the capacity to access the part of your brain which hosts creativity. Thus by slowing down and letting your body physically and mentally destress, you regain your capacity to be creative and see things differently and get new ideas. 

So who would not want yoga nidra as a tool to share their gifts with the world. 

If you want to try out for yourself, feel free to listen to this yoga nidra session.


Slowing down brings you furhter along than running