Slowing down brings you furhter along than running

It seems illogical and does not seem to compute with what we always have been taught but slowing down will bring you further along. 

Slowing down and being in stillness reconnects us to who we really are and what we really want. 

You can always run. There is always something on the to do list but are you actually in that moment doing something that makes you happy, something that brings you closer to living the life that you desire.

To give you an example. Yesterday afternoon it was a beautiful day where I am living at the moment i am writing this and I had scheduled to join the online course i signed up for from 4 till 8 pm live but last minute i had the intuitive insight not to join live but to watch the replay and just enjoy the company of my partner and our dogs at the pool…  doing nothing. 

In those moments of being and reflecting I got the idea to work smarter by offering the same product/information under a different format which might be more accessible for other clients.

Creativity comes when you slow down, not when you are stressed out and in the ‘i need to stay busy, so much to do’ mode. 

When is the last time that you decide to get out of this mode, to do nothing and be present? 

You can start slow. Here are some ideas that you can easily implement into your day.

Go for a 15 minute walk and listen to sounds of the birds or when you walk your dog or dogs like me, watch them, see how they interact with each other or with the environment. 

slowdown - dogwalking

You could also just go outside and watch the sky, the clouds. Who knows what you will discover ? Did you also look for animals when you were a child?

Last but not least, you can take a 15 min break and enjoy a guided meditation. 

click here to enjoy a free meditation.


YOGA NIDRA, an old practise that will lead you into a state of deep relaxation


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