YOGA NIDRA, an old practise that will lead you into a state of deep relaxation

Yoga nidra?? 

You might be familiar with yoga but you have not heard about yoga nidra or what this type of yoga is about. 

Yoga nidra is totally different from the other yoga styles you might know as hatha or vinyasa or even gentle flow yoga.

Yoga nidra is the yoga of sleep. Yess, you read/hear for those who are listening to the audio of the article, right. It is the yoga of sleep or so it is called. 


It is an ancient meditation technique, a practice that brings you into a deep state of relaxation by slowly guiding you along different stages of brainwave activity .

Yoga nidra takes you to a state of conscious sleep where the brain waves slow down and your mind is less active.  It has been used for centuries to help people find physical and mental relaxation. 

During the practice, by just listening to the voice that guides you, your body and mind becomes still and relaxed. This helps you to reduce stress and tension. 

There are many benefits from practicing Yoga nidra on a regular basis such as helping with stress relief as mentioned above but also reducing anxiety and depression and many more backed up by much scientific research over the last couple years. 

Practicing yoga nidra will also increase your creativity and intuition, helping you go through life with a clearer mind. 

If you want to try for yourself, you can click here to download a free yoga nidra session. just lay down and relax. 


Slowing down brings you furhter along than running