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HI Dear!

I’M Veerle

Welcome to Blossom with Veerle, where I offer meditation and yoga and business retreats to help women entrepreneurs like myself find inner peace, relaxation, and reconnection.

As a female entrepreneur, I understand the importance of taking time to unwind,recharge and reflect.

I help you relax, reconnect and live your life

it all starts with relaxation

how i want to help you?


“Honestly, Veerle changed my life. I wouldn’t be where I am in my business and life. Highly recommend her!”

Marieke Bauw

Who am i?

While working as a lawyer and running my own law firm, in my home town near Bruges, I was diagnosed with an auto-immunity disease. This meant that stress – a defining characteristic of my law career – suddenly became my greatest enemy.

Like many others, I needed to hit a wall first before truly understanding the importance of listening to my body. , My diagnosis was the prompt I needed to begin searching for ways to de-stress and create more balance in my life.

This led me to discover the practices and benefits of yoga, yoga nidra and meditation, which now form the foundation of my life and work.

Diving into yoga also initiated my journey towards creating an a radically new and different lifestyle, leaving behind the rat race and doing more of the things I love

discover NOW


Don't miss our online shop, where carefully curated treasures await to enhance your yoga and meditation practice and uplift your spirit.

We are excited to offer you a range of products that will support your journey towards tranquility and self-awareness."

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